Shad Bikes

Cycling, both at the amateur and professional level, requires great physical and mental demand. To face these challenges, it is common to use cycling supplements that seek to optimize performance, improve recovery and ensure optimal nutritional status.

In this Shad Bikes publication we explore the relevance of supplements in this sport and the most common types used in the cycling field.

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Importance of supplements in cycling performance

The importance of supplements in cycling is based on their ability to complement the cyclist's diet and provide specific nutrients at key moments.

For example, during long days of training or competitions, supplements can offer a quick and optimal source of energy. They also play a crucial role in post-workout recovery, helping to repair and rebuild damaged muscle tissue and replenish energy reserves.

Additionally, proper use of supplements can help prevent nutritional deficiencies that could negatively impact a cyclist's performance and overall health.

Elements such as electrolytes, for example, are essential to maintain adequate hydration and prevent cramps during prolonged efforts.

Types of supplements used in cycling

In the world of cycling, we find a wide range of supplements, each one with a specific purpose:


Carbohydrate gels, energy bars and isotonic drinks are highly efficient at maintaining high energy levels during exercise. These supplements provide a rapid source of glucose, thus maintaining optimal performance especially on long stages or demanding climbs.


Protein shakes and supplements with amino acids such as BCAA (branched chain amino acids) are essential for muscle recovery.

After an intense workout or race, these supplements help repair muscle fibers and speed recovery.

Vitamins and minerals

Some supplements such as magnesium, potassium, iron and vitamin complexes are essential to maintain the general well-being of cyclists.

These components help in critical functions such as muscle contraction, blood oxygenation, and immune function.

Specific supplements

Some cyclists opt for supplements that improve specific areas of performance, such as creatine to increase sprint power or caffeine to improve alertness and concentration.

Best cycling supplement brands

Choosing cycling supplements is not only based on the type of supplement, but also the brand that produces it. The quality, effectiveness and safety of the products are crucial aspects that differentiate the best brands on the market.

To determine which brand of cycling supplements is the best, it is important to establish the criteria that define a good brand of cycling supplements:

  • Quality and purity : The quality and purity of the products must be guaranteed, with well-researched ingredients and no unnecessary additives.
  • Certifications : the presence of certifications such as NSF, Informed Sport, or similar, ensures that the products have been tested for the absence of substances prohibited in sports.
  • Proven effectiveness : the best brands base their formulations on scientific research, ensuring that their products really contribute to performance and recovery.
  • User and expert opinions : recommendations and reviews from other cyclists and sports professionals are indicative of the reputation and effectiveness of the brand.

Supplementation brands for cyclists

Below, we present some of the most recognized brands in the world of cycling, highlighting their star products:

  • Science in Sport (SiS) – Known for its energy gels and isotonic drinks, SiS is a popular brand among cyclists for its easy digestibility and variety of flavors.
  • PowerBar – A pioneer in energy bars, PowerBar offers a range of products including gels, drinks and protein supplements, all widely used in the professional peloton.
  • High5 : This brand is distinguished by its products that combine carbohydrates and proteins, ideal for resistance training and long stages.
  • Hammer Nutrition : Famous for its comprehensive sports nutrition solutions, Hammer offers everything from energy to electrolyte balance supplements, with a focus on natural ingredients.

Best supplements for cycling

The world of cycling supplements is wide and diverse, offering a variety of options to improve performance, endurance and recovery.

In this sense, we tell you about some of the most effective and popular supplements for cyclists among cyclists, based on scientific evidence and the practical experience of professional and amateur cyclists.

Energy supplements and their impact on cycling

Energy supplements play a crucial role, especially in endurance tests and long stages. Here are some of the most notable ones:

  • Carbohydrate gels : provide a quick source of energy, easily assimilated during physical effort. They are ideal for maintaining blood glucose levels and avoiding exhaustion.
  • Isotonic drinks : in addition to hydrating, these drinks provide electrolytes and carbohydrates, maintaining fluid and energy balance during prolonged exercise.
  • Energy bars : they offer a combination of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, being a more sustained energy option, ideal to consume before and during training or competitions.

Supplements for muscle recovery

Recovery is as important as the training itself. In this sense, some key supplements in muscle recovery include:

  • Protein and amino acids : Protein shakes or supplements with amino acids like BCAAs (branched chain amino acids) help repair and build muscle tissue after intense exercise.
  • Creatine – Although best known in strength sports, creatine can benefit cyclists during short, explosive efforts such as sprints, as well as contributing to muscle recovery.
  • Omega-3 – Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties and may aid in muscle recovery and pain reduction after intense workouts.

Essential vitamins and minerals for cyclists

An adequate supply of vitamins and minerals is essential for performance and general health, we highlight the following:

Magnesium and Potassium – Crucial for muscle function and cramp prevention, these minerals are essential for cyclists.

Iron – Particularly important for cyclists, iron helps in the transport of oxygen in the blood. A deficiency can lead to fatigue and decreased performance.

B complex vitamins : Essential for energy metabolism, these vitamins aid in the conversion of food into energy.

Supplements in professional cycling

The use of cycling supplements in the professional field is a topic that combines science, ethics and performance.

The proper selection and use of these supplements can make a notable difference in the career of a professional cyclist.

Regulations and control in the use of supplements

In professional cycling, control over supplements is rigorous. Organizations such as the International Cycling Union (UCI) and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) set clear guidelines on what is allowed and what is not.

Professional cyclists must be constantly updated on the list of prohibited substances to avoid sanctions.

Choosing certified supplements and constant consultation with nutritionists and sports doctors are common practices to ensure compliance with current regulations.

Common supplements among professionals

Among the supplements allowed and popular in professional cycling, we find:

  • Energy supplements : mainly caffeine, which improves concentration and reduces the feeling of fatigue.
  • Muscle recoverers : such as whey proteins and branched chain amino acids (BCAA), which aid in recovery after intense workouts.
  • Electrolytes : important to maintain a good hydroelectrolyte balance, especially in long stages and in very hot conditions.
  • Vitamins and minerals : essential for the optimal functioning of the body, highlighting vitamin D, iron and magnesium.

Nutritional supplements in cycling

In the field of cycling, the use of nutritional supplements is a common and essential practice to optimize performance and recovery.

Cyclists, both amateur and professional, turn to these supplements to ensure that their body receives all the necessary nutrients that sometimes cannot be obtained through diet alone.

Difference between nutritional and ergogenic supplements

Nutritional supplements in cycling include products that provide additional nutrients to the diet, such as vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats.

These are essential for maintaining balanced nutrition, especially when training is intense and the demands on the body increase.

On the other hand, ergogenic supplements are designed to directly improve sports performance, including those that increase energy, improve recovery or increase endurance.

Although both types of supplements in cycling are crucial, dietary supplements focus more on the general health and well-being of the cyclist.

Nutrition and supplementation for cyclists

Proper nutrition is vital for any cyclist. Carbohydrates are essential for maintaining energy levels, especially on long rides or during intense workouts.

Protein is important for muscle repair and growth, and healthy fats are essential for overall health and hormonal function.

Additionally, supplements such as omega-3, vitamin D, and magnesium may be beneficial.

It is crucial to consult a sports nutritionist to design a supplementation plan that suits individual needs and type of training.

Tips for choosing food supplements

The choice of supplements in cycling must be careful and based on quality and need. It is important to select products from trusted brands that guarantee purity and effectiveness.

Additionally, attention must be paid to personal needs; For example, a cyclist who trains in areas with little sunlight may need more vitamin D.

Likewise, it is essential to be aware of anti-doping regulations, to ensure that the supplements chosen do not contain prohibited substances.


We can conclude that cycling supplements are a valuable tool to improve the performance, recovery and general well-being of the cyclist.

Additionally, they not only complement the diet to ensure adequate nutrition, but also help improve performance and recovery. But it is important to consider both the quality and effectiveness of the products and the individual needs of each cyclist.

For this reason, it is essential to choose them carefully and always take into account the recommendations of a sports nutritionist or a specialized doctor to guarantee their safe and effective use.
