Shad Bikes

Ibiza, an island known worldwide for its beaches and vibrant nightlife, is also an incredible destination for bicycle lovers. Cycling in Ibiza offers a unique experience, combining incredible routes with a spectacular atmosphere.

The intention of this new post on the Shad Bikes blog is to show you all the possibilities it offers for all bicycle lovers in Ibiza, the beautiful island.

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What is cycling like in Ibiza?

Cycling in Ibiza has become an increasingly popular activity, for both residents and tourists. The island offers a diversity of landscapes that make it ideal for all types of cyclists.

From coastal routes with sea views to country roads that wind through fields and forests, Ibiza is a paradise for those looking to explore on two wheels.

With a growing network of routes and cycle paths, along with a wide range of rental services and specialist shops, bicycle lovers in Ibiza have found a world-class cycling destination.

Benefits of cycling in an island environment

Cycling in Ibiza is not just a form of transport or a recreational activity; It is a way to experience the island in a sustainable and healthy way. So it is not surprising that the benefits are multiple.

  • Connection with nature : touring Ibiza by bicycle allows you to enjoy its unique landscapes in a very close way, from the salt flats to the pine forests and the spectacular coasts.
  • Health and Wellness – Cycling is a great way to stay fit, improve cardiovascular endurance and reduce stress. In Ibiza, exercise is combined with the enjoyment of the outdoors and good weather.
  • Sustainability : using the bicycle as a means of transport is a way to reduce the carbon footprint, especially important in an island ecosystem like Ibiza.
  • Access to unique places: some of the best views, coves and corners of Ibiza are only accessible by bicycle, allowing cyclists to discover secrets of the island that would otherwise be lost.

Selection of bicycles for routes in Ibiza

Ibiza is not only an exceptional destination for beach and party lovers, but also a paradise for cyclists.

The diversity of terrain and landscape makes the island's cycling experience unique and varied. If your intention is to enjoy cycling around Ibiza, you should keep in mind that there are different types of bicycles that are ideal for getting around the island.

Popular types of bicycles in Ibiza

Choosing the right bicycle is essential to fully enjoy Ibiza's cycling routes. Depending on your interests and the type of routes you plan to travel, you can choose between several types of bicycles:

  • Road Bikes – Ideal for pavements and long coastal routes, road bikes are perfect for those looking for speed and efficiency on mostly flat terrain.
  • Mountain Bikes (MTB) – With Ibiza offering a variety of country roads and trails, MTBs are a great option for exploring rougher terrain and enjoying nature.
  • Hybrid bicycles : If you are one of those looking for a versatile option, capable of performing well on both road and dirt roads, hybrid bicycles are the perfect choice.
  • E-bikes (electric bicycles) : increasingly popular, e-bikes are an excellent option for those who want to enjoy cycling in Ibiza without having to face the challenges of the most demanding climbs.

Tips for bicycle selection and maintenance

Choosing the right bicycle involves considering the type of use, comfort and the correct size. Additionally, it is vital to keep your bike in good condition to ensure a safe and enjoyable cycling experience. Here are some tips:

  • Size and fit: Make sure the bike fits your height and posture, as an ill-fitting bike can cause discomfort or injury.
  • Regular maintenance: it is essential to carry out periodic checks of the brakes, tires and chain. In Ibiza, due to humidity, the marine environment can accelerate corrosion, so extra care is essential.

Our bicycle backpacks

Bike rental shops and services in Ibiza

If you cannot take your bicycle to Ibiza, but you plan to do a route on the island, if you prepare it well in advance you will be able to enjoy cycling with some of the best models on the market during your stay.

Thanks to the popularity of this sport in recent years on the island, an excellent variety of bicycle rental shops and services have proliferated in Ibiza. These offer everything from basic models to high-performance bicycles, adapting to all needs and budgets.

Additionally, many of these shops also offer guided tours, which is a great way to explore the island for those less familiar with the terrain.

Where to rent a bike in Ibiza

You can rent your bike from trusted sites like IbizaBTT, where adventure and sport meet; Can Manolo Bikes, with its wide range of bicycles for all levels; or Kandani, which offers you not only quality bikes but also unforgettable routes. Each of these places will provide you with not only the necessary equipment, but also tips and routes to make your cycling experience in Ibiza unmatched. Their websites are:


Cycling routes in Ibiza

The island is not only known for its clubbing routes, you can also find a variety of bike routes in Ibiza for cycling lovers.

Ibiza offers a variety of routes that allow you to discover the island in a unique and sustainable way. These are some of the most notable routes for bicycle lovers in Ibiza, providing valuable information for both novice and more experienced cyclists.

Best cycling routes in Ibiza

  • Northern Route – This route runs through some of Ibiza's most picturesque landscapes, passing through charming towns and offering stunning views of the sea.
  • Santa Eulalia Route : ideal for cyclists of all levels, this route combines coastal sections with more rural areas, allowing you to enjoy the diversity of the island.
  • San José Route : For the more adventurous, this route through San José offers challenging climbs and exciting descents, ideal for experiencing mountain biking in Ibiza.
  • Es Canar Route : a quiet and mostly flat route, perfect for families and beginners. It offers beautiful views and the opportunity to enjoy the beaches of Ibiza.
  • Return to the salt flats : This route, which borders the famous salt flats of Ibiza, is ideal for a relaxed walk and to enjoy the nature and wildlife of the island.
  • Around the island : a challenge for any cyclist, this itinerary surrounds the entire island and combines all types of terrain, from coasts to mountains.
  • Ascent to Sa Talaia – This is the highest point in Ibiza and offers a significant challenge with its steep slopes, ideal for those looking to test their physical fitness.

Safety and practical tips for road cycling in Ibiza

Safety is paramount when touring Ibiza by bicycle. It is important to equip yourself with a helmet, lights, and a reflective vest, if necessary. In addition, it is recommended to always carry enough water, especially in the summer months, and be aware of the weather forecasts.

Cycle routes in Ibiza offer a wonderful opportunity to explore the island in an active and ecological way. From quiet and familiar routes to itineraries that challenge the most experienced, Ibiza is undoubtedly an ideal destination for cycling enthusiasts.

Bike path in Ibiza: another way to get to know the island

Going on a bike path through Ibiza allows all two-wheeled lovers to get to know the island from a different point of view.

The bike lanes in Ibiza are designed to offer safety and comfort to cyclists. covering both urban and rural areas, allowing bicycle users in Ibiza to enjoy safe routes through various landscapes.

The island is constantly improving its bicycle infrastructure, promoting the construction of new routes, improvement of existing ones and the integration of these routes with other modes of public transport.

And, as if to show you a button, we have prepared a small route through which you can get to know Ibiza through its bike path.

Route along the Ibiza bike path

This route along the Ibiza bike path is of low to moderate difficulty, suitable for cyclists of all levels. The total distance is approximately 30-40 km, depending on the stops and detours you choose.

Make sure you bring enough water, sunscreen, and a hat to protect yourself from the sun. It is also advisable to carry a basic bicycle repair kit.

Our recommendation is that you dedicate at least half a day for this route, so you can enjoy the stops and the landscape without rushing.

Home: Ibiza city (Eivissa)

Starting point: Port of Ibiza

Start your adventure in the heart of the city, the Port of Ibiza. Here you can enjoy views of the sea and yachts, and feel the vibrant pulse of the island.

Through the boardwalk

Pedal along the promenade, a cyclist-friendly route that offers spectacular views of the Mediterranean and a refreshing breeze. This section is perfect to warm up as you head towards Talamanca beach.

Talamanca Beach

Relaxing coastal tour

When you arrive in Talamanca, you can enjoy a calmer environment. This is an ideal place to take a break, enjoy the beach and maybe have a coffee or a snack at one of the beach bars.

Inland: heading to Sant Jordi

Road to Sant Jordi

Head inland following the cycle paths towards Sant Jordi, a charming town with a peaceful atmosphere. Here, the routes are more relaxed, allowing you to enjoy the rural landscape of Ibiza.

Exploring salt flats

Ses Salines Natural Park

Continue south until you reach the Ses Salines Natural Park, known for its spectacular landscapes of salt flats and fauna, especially flamingos. It is an ideal place for lovers of nature and photography.

Return to Ibiza city

Return to Playa d'en Bossa

On the way back, it is advisable to go through Playa d'en Bossa, one of the most famous stretches of beach in Ibiza. Here you'll find a vibrant mix of bars and clubs, although the atmosphere during the day is more relaxed and family-oriented.

Ends in Dalt Vila

Conclude your route in Dalt Vila, the old town of Ibiza. It is a place full of history, with cobblestone streets and panoramic views of the city and the sea. It's the perfect end to a day of discovery by bike.


The bicycle ecosystem in Ibiza represents a perfect symbiosis between sport, sustainability and tourism. Over the years, Ibiza has been developing an increasingly cyclist-friendly infrastructure, which not only benefits the island's residents, but also attracts a growing number of tourists interested in exploring the island in a comfortable way. active and ecological.

The wide range of routes and cycle paths available in Ibiza is a clear testament to the island's commitment to cycling. From coastal paths offering stunning views of the Mediterranean to quiet routes through fields and forests, Ibiza offers options for all levels and preferences.

So we can affirm that the bicycle ecosystem in Ibiza is an outstanding example of how cycling can be successfully integrated into the social and tourist fabric of a destination.
