Shad Bikes

In Spain, cycling is not only considered another sporting practice, but also a growing means of transportation, especially in urban areas. This trend has led to greater awareness of the importance of properly using bicycle signals, both to guarantee the safety of the cyclist and to facilitate coexistence between pedestrians and other vehicles.

In this new entry on the Shad Bikes blog we are going to tell you what the main bicycle signs are and what visibility systems it is advisable to take into account when you ride a bicycle or come across cyclists.

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Importance of signals in cycling

Bicycle signals are essential for communicating intentions and actions to other road users, thus minimizing the risk of accidents and misunderstandings. These signals, whether manual or through specific devices installed on the bicycle, play a vital role in the cyclist's visibility and predictability, critical aspects for road safety.

How did bicycle signs start?

The history of bicycle signals dates back to the early days of cycling, when cyclists began to develop methods of communicating with each other and other road users.

Initially, these signals were gestural and quite intuitive. However, with the increase in traffic and the complexity of urban infrastructures, specific regulations emerged to standardize these signs, thus facilitating universal understanding and promoting safer coexistence on the roads and streets of cities.

The evolution of bicycle signals has been notable, especially with the incorporation of technology such as LED lights, electronic signaling devices, and mobile applications.

However, manual signals continue to be essential and their correct execution is a matter of road safety education throughout Spain.

Cyclist hand signals

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The correct use of hand signals is essential to guarantee the safety of the cyclist as well as other road users.

These bicycle signs allow the cyclist's intentions to be communicated clearly and effectively, avoiding risky situations and possible accidents. Below, we detail some of the most important manual signals and their correct execution.

Direction signs

Direction signs are essential to inform other road users about the cyclist's changes of direction.

Right turn signal

The cyclist extends his right arm horizontally and with the palm facing down, maintaining this position clearly and decisively until the turn has begun.

It is essential to ensure that the signal is visible to others and is given well in advance.

Left turn signal

Similar to the right turn, the cyclist extends his left arm horizontally. The palm of the hand must be facing downwards and the signal must be maintained until the turn is initiated, ensuring that it is visible to other road users.

Sign to stop or slow down

This signal is crucial to prevent collisions. The cyclist should extend his left arm downward, with the palm of the hand facing back, pointing towards the ground.

It is important to make this signal early enough so that other road users can react in time.

Warning signs

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Warning signs are important to indicate obstacles or warn of dangerous situations.

Sign to warn of an obstacle

To signal the presence of an obstacle on the road, the cyclist must point his arm down and with his index finger pointing towards the obstacle, either to the right or to the left, depending on its position.

Signal to indicate grouping or dispersion

In situations where it is necessary to group together more or disperse due to the presence of vehicles or other cyclists, previously agreed upon gestures within the group can be used to communicate these actions efficiently.

Knowledge and proper use of these bicycle manual signals not only contribute to the safety of the cyclist, but also foster an environment of respect and cooperation between all road users, thus promoting a safer and more pleasant road coexistence.

Signage on the bicycle

In addition to hand signals, the bicycle itself can be equipped with various signaling devices that increase the visibility and safety of the cyclist.

These bicycle signals are essential, especially in low visibility conditions or at night.

The most common types of bicycle signs and their characteristics are detailed below.

Lights and reflectors

Lights and reflectors are essential to ensure that the cyclist is visible to other road users, both day and night.

Front and rear lights

The bicycle must be equipped with a white or yellow front light and a red rear light. These lights not only allow the cyclist to see the road in low light conditions, but they also ensure that others can see them.

It is important that these lights are visible from a considerable distance and are in good working order.

Reflectors on wheels and pedals

Reflectors placed on the wheels and pedals increase the bicycle's lateral visibility, which is crucial at intersections and in situations where the cyclist may not be directly in the line of sight of vehicle drivers.

Sound signals

Sound signals serve as an additional tool to alert pedestrians and other road users to the presence of the cyclist.

Types of doorbells and horns

Doorbells and horns must emit a clear and audible sound at an appropriate distance. The choice between a bell and a horn may depend on the personal preferences of the cyclist and the specific traffic conditions in which they typically ride.

Proper use of sound signals

Although audible signals are useful, it is important to use them responsibly to avoid startling or disturbing pedestrians and other cyclists.

Proper use involves warning of the cyclist's presence in advance and with respect, especially in areas with a lot of traffic or where the path is shared with pedestrians.

The proper implementation of these bicycle signs not only complies with road regulations, but also contributes significantly to safety and accident prevention, thus facilitating harmonious and safe coexistence on all roads.

Rules and regulations

The adequate regulation of bicycle signals and cycling traffic is essential to guarantee safety on the roads and promote the use of this sustainable means of transport.

In Spain, there are specific regulations that govern both the hand signals of cyclists and the signaling and equipment of bicycles.

Local and national legislation on bicycle signage

The legislation in Spain, contemplated mainly in the General Traffic Regulations, establishes a series of obligations and recommendations for cyclists regarding signage and behavior on the road:

Mandatory use of lights and reflectors

The obligation to use lights in low visibility conditions and at night is specified, as well as the presence of reflectors on the bicycle to increase the cyclist's visibility.

Hand signal rules

The hand signals that cyclists must use to indicate turns, braking or warnings are detailed, thus ensuring effective communication with other road users.

Local regulations

In addition to national regulations, some localities may have specific regulations related to cycling in urban areas, such as low-speed zones, bike lanes, and restrictions in certain areas.

International standards

Although Spanish regulations are consistent with European and international guidelines, it is relevant to highlight the importance of regulations at an international level, especially for manufacturers of bicycles and signaling accessories, thus guaranteeing that the products available on the market meet the standards. safety and effectiveness.

Manufacturing and safety standards

International standards define quality and safety requirements for lights, reflectors and doorbells, ensuring that these devices are effective and reliable.

Homologation of signaling devices

Homologation guarantees that the signaling devices used on bicycles meet internationally established criteria, thus offering an adequate level of safety and visibility.

Knowing and complying with the rules and regulations on bicycle signs is not only a legal obligation for cyclists, but also a shared responsibility that contributes to safety and order on the roads, thus promoting a safer and more pleasant environment for everyone.

Innovations in bicycle signage

The field of bicycle signage has undergone significant evolution thanks to technological advances. These innovations not only improve visibility and safety for the cyclist, but also offer new ways of interaction and communication with other road users. This section explores some of the most notable innovations in the field of bicycle signals.

Electronic devices and smart signals

Technology has allowed the development of smart devices that significantly increase cyclist safety and improve the experience of bicycle mobility.

smart lights

Smart lights, capable of adjusting their intensity based on ambient light conditions or activating automatically when braking is detected, are an example of how technology can contribute to greater safety on the road.

Electronic direction indicators

Electronic turn indicators, which can be activated via handlebar controls, offer a clear and visible way to signal turns, increasing safety especially in low visibility conditions.

Mobile applications and navigation systems for cyclists

Cyclist-specific mobile apps and navigation systems not only provide routes and maps, but can also integrate with wayfinding devices to enhance the urban cycling experience.

Integration with signaling systems

Some applications allow integration with signaling systems on the bicycle, displaying alerts and signals in real time that improve navigation and cyclist safety.

Hazard warning and detection systems

Advanced warning systems can notify the cyclist of imminent dangers or changes in road conditions, allowing for rapid and appropriate response.

These innovations in bicycle signals not only improve the individual safety of cyclists, but also contribute to the development of a smarter road infrastructure adapted to the needs of all users, thus promoting a safer and more efficient environment for mobility. sustainable.


The correct use and understanding of bicycle signals constitute a cornerstone of safe and respectful mobility. Through the different points addressed, we have seen how the combination of hand signals, signaling devices on the bicycle, and knowledge of the relevant rules and regulations, make up a comprehensive ecosystem that guarantees not only the safety of the cyclist, but also the of all road users.

Education and awareness are emerging as key tools to foster a culture of respect and responsibility, while technological innovations in signage promise to revolutionize the way cyclists interact with their environment and each other.

These advances not only reinforce safety, but also enrich the urban cycling experience, making it more attractive and accessible.
