Shad Bikes

At Shad Bikes we know that riding a bike is much more than just pedaling. Every bike ride is an opportunity to explore new places, enjoy the outdoors, and stay active. However, sometimes unforeseen events can arise along the way, and being prepared is the key to making sure nothing stops us. Knowing what tools to take on the bike is key to being able to deal with any unforeseen event.

From untimely punctures to necessary adjustments, having the right tools on hand can make all the difference. Therefore, today we want to share with you a bit of knowledge about this topic: what tools to take on the bike?

What tools should be carried on the bike?

When you go out on your bike, it is advisable to carry a set of basic tools with you to solve common problems. If you have entered here wanting to know exactly what tools to take on the bike, here is a list of those that we recommend you take:

1.- Puncture repair kit

Includes patches, glue, 3 tire levers, and a portable air pump. Punctures are common during bike rides, even when going around town. Carrying these tools will allow you to quickly repair them and continue on your way. Or if you prefer instead of this kit you can take a spare tube, 3 tire levers and an air pump.

2.- Multitool

Elementary, my dear Watson. The multitool combines Allen keys, screwdrivers and other tools in one compact piece. It will help you tighten the bolts and nuts on the bike in case they come loose during the ride.

3.- Adjustable wrench

It is useful for tightening or loosening nuts and bolts of different sizes on the bicycle. Make sure it's big enough to cover the components of your bike.

4.- Spoke key

It will allow you to adjust the tension of the spokes of the wheel in case they get out of adjustment. Learn how to use it correctly, or seek professional help if you're not sure how to do it.

5.- Chain remover

In the event that your chain breaks or needs to be replaced, this tool will allow you to remove and reattach it seamlessly.

6.- Chain tool

If you have a serious problem with your chain and need to remove broken links, the chain tool will come in handy for that. This allows you to temporarily shorten the chain until you can replace it with a new one. Remember to watch a tutorial on how to disassemble and repair a chain, as well as to practice before with an old chain.

7.- Small flashlight

A compact flashlight will help you see better if you run into trouble in the dark or need to examine bike components in low-light areas.

8.- Derailleur hanger

The derailleur hanger is an important part of the bike that is located on the frame, right in the area where the rear derailleur connects. This small piece of metal is designed to be replaceable, since its main function is to protect the rear derailleur in the event of impacts or falls, preventing further damage to the bicycle frame.

9.- Quick link

The quick link is a quick fix for common bike chain problems. By having a replacement quick link, you won't have to hunt down a bike shop for a new one in an emergency.


A flat or star screwdriver will come in handy for tightening screws or making minor repairs to the bike , if it isn't already included in your multitool .

11.- Flanges

If, for example, during your bike ride your shift or brake cables become loose or shifted, the cable ties will allow you to temporarily secure them until you can make a permanent adjustment later. In general, they can be used to fix loose bike components.

Where is it better to take the tools on the bike?

In addition to knowing which tools to take on the bike, knowing where to take them is also an important thing to keep in mind, especially since it can vary depending on your personal preferences and the type of bike you ride. Here are some options:

Saddle bag

Many riders choose to carry their tools in a saddle bag that tucks under the seat. These usually have enough space to store basic tools like a puncture repair kit, Allen keys and a multi-tool. They are easy to fit and offer protection against water and dust.

Frame bag

One fairly popular option is to carry your tools in a frame bag, which clips onto the bike's top or down tube. Its design is aerodynamic and they are easy to access.

Handlebar bag

An alternative could be the handlebar bags offer you the possibility to store and access your things comfortably. Handlebar bags are attached with a clip or buckle mounting system or use straps and Velcro. They are also ideal for storing your mobile phone, wallet, a small toiletry bag, some bars or even a fine raincoat.


If you need to carry more tools or go on long bike trips, panniers are the best option. They fit into bike racks and offer extra storage space for tools, along with other essentials you may need, be it spare clothing or food, for example.

Jersey pocket

Some cyclists, usually for long routes, prefer to carry smaller tools that do not weigh as much in their jersey pockets. This option is practical in the case of not wanting to carry additional weight on the bike and as long as you only need to carry basic tools without much weight.


Knowing what tools to take on the bike is essential to be prepared for any unforeseen event during your outings. Making sure you have at least a puncture repair kit or tube , Allen keys, an air pump, a flashlight and a couple of zip ties, among other tools, will allow you to quickly fix the most common cycling problems.

You will also have seen, after clarifying what tools to take on the bike, that the choice of where to take the tools on your bike will depend on your tastes and the type of equipment you are going to use. At Shad Bikes we offer luggage solutions adapted to urban cyclists like you. Take a look at our collections, where you will find the perfect accessories to store the tools your bike needs.
