Shad Bikes

Did you know that according to the INE , each person in Spain generates around 478.7kg of garbage per year ? The amount of waste we produce as a society is alarming and is having a devastating impact on our planet.

The good news is that we can do something about it. The key to a more sustainable future is in the 3Rs: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

What are the 3Rs?

1. Reduce

Consume less, put aside the throwaway culture and opt for a more responsible and sustainable lifestyle.

2. Reuse

Give a second life to objects you no longer need, instead of throwing them away.

3. Recycle

Transform waste into new products, thus avoiding the extraction of natural resources and the generation of more garbage.

The 3Rs are a fundamental tool to protect the environment . By applying them in our daily lives, we can:

  • Reduce the amount of waste we generate.
  • Save natural resources such as water, energy and raw materials.
  • Reduce air, water and soil pollution.
  • Fight climate change.
  • Protect biodiversity.
Know more

Reduce: the first R for a healthier planet

Have you ever wondered how much garbage you produce per day? Food containers, plastic bottles, clothes you no longer wear... The amount of waste we generate as a society is alarming and is having a devastating impact on our planet.

This is where the first R comes into play: Reduce. Reducing means consuming less, putting aside the throwaway culture and opting for a more responsible and sustainable lifestyle. It is the most effective action to minimize the amount of garbage we produce and, therefore, the one that brings the most benefits to the environment.

How can you reduce your consumption?

  • Plan your purchases: Before going to the supermarket, make a shopping list and stick to it. Avoid impulsive purchases and products you don't need.
  • Choose products with less packaging: Look for products with recyclable or biodegradable packaging. Opt for bulk products whenever possible.
  • Repair instead of throwing away: When an item breaks, don't automatically throw it away. Try to repair it or give it a second life.
  • Buy second-hand products: there are many stores and online platforms where you can find clothes, furniture and other items in good condition at affordable prices.
  • Share and Rent: Instead of buying things you'll only use once, consider sharing or renting them.

Our bicycle backpacks

Reducing is not only good for the planet, it is also good for your pocketbook. By consuming less, you will save money and contribute to a more sustainable future for yourself and future generations.

Remember: reducing is the basis of the 3Rs. The less we consume, the less waste we will generate and the fewer natural resources we will have to use.

Reuse: give a second life to objects

Reusing is the second R and a creative and fun way to combat throwaway culture. Instead of throwing away items you no longer need, you can give them a second life and turn them into something new and useful.

How can you reuse?

In the kitchen

  • Use glass jars to store legumes, spices or nuts.
  • Turn aluminum cans into plant pots or pencil holders.
  • Reuse plastic bottles as soap dispensers or water jugs.
  • Create placemats from leftover fabric or old newspapers.

In the bathroom

  • Use empty shampoo bottles to store soaps or to make your own cleaning products.
  • Turn old towels into bath mats or cleaning rags.
  • Reuse glass jars to store cotton, makeup remover pads or cotton swabs.

In the bedroom

  • Create a cushion cover from an old shirt.
  • Turn an old suitcase into a side table or storage trunk.
  • Reuse wooden pallets to create a headboard or a shelf.

In the garden

  • Use plastic bottles to create a drip irrigation system.
  • Turn old tires into flower pots or swings.
  • Reuse wooden pallets to create a composter or garden table.

Remember: reusing is not only good for the planet, it is also good for your pocketbook. By giving objects a second life, you save money on buying new things and also stimulate your creativity.

Here are some tips to encourage reuse:

  • Be creative: don't be afraid to experiment and let your imagination run wild.
  • Look for inspiration on the internet: there are many websites and blogs with creative ideas for reusing objects.
  • Participate in reuse workshops: it is a fun way to learn new techniques and meet other people with similar concerns.
  • Share your ideas with friends and family: encourage them to join the movement for a more sustainable planet.

Recycle: transforming waste into new products

Recycling is the third R and an effective way to take advantage of waste and convert it into new products. Instead of throwing them in the trash, we can separate the materials correctly and place them in recycling containers so they can be processed and converted into new raw materials.

How can you recycle?

Paper and paperboard

  • Separate paper and cardboard from the rest of the trash.
  • Fold cardboard boxes so they take up less space.
  • Place the paper and cardboard in the blue container.


  • Separate glass bottles and jars from the rest of the trash.
  • Remove covers and labels.
  • Place the glass in the green container.


  • Separate plastic, metal and carton containers from the rest of the garbage.
  • Flatten plastic bottles and aluminum cans.
  • Place the containers in the yellow container.

Organic waste

  • Separate food scraps, fruit and vegetable peelings, and other organic waste from the rest of the trash.
  • Deposit organic waste in the brown container.

Here are some tips to encourage recycling

  • Teach your children the importance of recycling.
  • Place different containers in your house to facilitate the separation of waste.
  • Use recycled products in your home.
  • Participate in recycling campaigns in your community.

Urban bicycles: an ally for the 3Rs

Urban bicycles are a sustainable means of transportation that allows us to reduce, reuse and recycle in a natural and fun way.


  • Reduce CO2 emissions: By using a bicycle instead of a car, you reduce the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere, thus combating climate change.
  • Reduces noise pollution: bicycles are a silent means of transportation that does not generate noise, improving air quality and tranquility in cities.
  • Reduce traffic: By choosing to cycle, you reduce traffic congestion and free up space on the streets for other uses, such as pedestrians or green areas.


  • Reuse an old bicycle: if you have a bicycle that you no longer use, you can give it a second life by repairing it or transforming it into a more modern model or one adapted to your needs.
  • Reuse recycled materials: there are many bicycles that are manufactured with recycled materials, such as aluminum or plastic, contributing to the circular economy and waste reduction.


  • Recycle your bicycle at the end of its useful life: when your bicycle is no longer functional, you can take it to a recycling point so that its components are separated and reused or recycled responsibly.

Additional benefits:

  • Improve your health: Cycling is a healthy physical activity that helps you stay fit, strengthen your muscles and improve your cardiovascular fitness.
  • Save money: Using a bicycle as a means of transportation allows you to save on gasoline, parking and other expenses associated with car use.
  • Enjoy the city: getting around by bicycle allows you to discover the city from another perspective, enjoy the outdoors and see new places.

Tips for using your bicycle safely and efficiently


The 3Rs: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle are a fundamental tool to build a more sustainable future for everyone. By applying these practices in our daily lives, we can:

  • Reduce the amount of waste we generate.
  • Save natural resources such as water, energy and raw materials.
  • Reduce air, water and soil pollution.
  • Fight climate change.
  • Protect biodiversity.

Each of us has the responsibility to act and contribute to the protection of the planet. Start with small actions in your daily life:

  1. Reduce your energy and water consumption.
  2. Buy products with less packaging and locally sourced.
  3. Reuse objects before throwing them away.
  4. Correctly separate waste and recycle everything you can.
  5. Use sustainable means of transport such as bicycles or public transport.
  6. Share your knowledge and encourage your friends and family to join the change.

Together we can build a greener, more sustainable and fairer future for generations to come.
